Saturday, August 30, 2008


Grandpa and I have become soccer fans! This is pictures of Madisons first soccer games!

Listening to the coaches instructions

And away we go! These little 3 year olds are not quite sure of what to do! But they were all eager to get in there and do their part!

Look at Maddi go!


Maddi really got into the game. One time she was ahead of the teams kicking the soccer ball and just about to the goal when she looked over her shoulder and saw kids close behind her. I know she knew she was to get the ball into the goal so she never missed a stride and reached down and picked up the ball and ran it in to the goal! Of coarse I was more into the game instead of taking pictures so this picture is just in our minds!

Our first game completed and now the cheer for the other team!

We will have more soccer to come....... Arlee's games start soon! And we will hit the road for Utah to see how Utah soccer players compare!


Jennifer said...

Prepare to have your socks blown off. Utah Soccor doesn't even compare...UTAH KICKS WYOMINGS TRASH!! jk Glad you are finally we can see your pics and the fun you and pa have. Love ya mom. Thanks for the fun we had this weekend.

Anonymous said...

So fun!! I am sad though, since we moved here kayley hasnt gotten to play soccer or dance!! I miss the fun soccer games. Madi looks cute! We hope you feel better soon grandma, we can't wait to see you!